Waste Diversion Directory

Your guide to responsibly disposing of waste and unwanted items in Sioux Falls and surrounding areas.
Recycling Services
Recycling Services
Recycling Services
Recycling Services
Recycling Services

How It Works

1. Find a Category: Recycling, reuse & disposal options are grouped by category and type below.
2. Get the Details: Explore the interactive map to find full details for each organization, including accepted items & contact info.

Recycling Options

Open “side menu” icon to explore all options in the area by category. Open full screen for more control.

Composting (Food & Yard Waste) Options

Open “side menu” icon to explore all options in the area by category. Open full screen for more control.

Safe Disposal Options

Open “side menu” icon to explore all options in the area by category. Open full screen for more control.

Reuse & Donation Options

Open “side menu” icon to explore all options in the area by category. Open full screen for more control.

Reuse — Buy/Sell/Trade & Loan Options

Open “side menu” icon to explore all options in the area by category. Open full screen for more control.

BINfluencer Partners - Thank You For Your Support!

Open “side menu” icon to explore all options in the area by category. Open full screen for more control.

Want to support BINfluencer? Click here for support levels.

Know of Another Option?

Help us grow! Tell us about a business or group in the 5-county area that recycles, composts, accepts donations, or offers safe disposal.


Our mobile waste app is coming soon!

Get ready for a comprehensive directory of items you can search to find out exactly where they go. Whether it’s recycling, composting, or proper disposal, this app will make it easier than ever to keep waste out of the landfill. Stay tuned!

Until then, check out the:

Thank You!

Waste Diversion is one of the simplest, fastest, least expensive, and most impactful strategies available for preserving our planet.

Decreasing the demand for natural resources, preventing toxic pollution from incineration and landfilling, and conserving energy are just a few ways that waste diversion supports a stable climate and a healthy, resilient environment.

Thank you to all of our supporters for making a real impact!